Crisis Pregnancy Centers often masquerade as abortion consultation facilities — they lure in women who are pregnant and terrified, and then often try to convince them not to get the procedure. Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled that is a totally acceptable practice. The city of Baltimore passed a law in 2009 to require such centers to post disclosures of their positions on abortion and contraception. Then, a lower court put a hold on enforcement of that law. Today, the appeals court agreed with the lower court by a vote of 2-1. It is possible this decision could be reversed by a larger panel of the same court, however. The overwhelming majority of judges on the Fourth Circuit are Democratic appointees, but the panel that decided this case included two Republicans.
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Saturday, June 30, 2012
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) said the Supreme Court’s “frightening” ruling that upheld the Affordable Care as a tax is a “blow to our freedoms.” “What’s next?” Jindal asked, according to The Hill. He voiced concern for people who “refuse to eat tofu” or “refuse to drive a Chevy Volt” — even though the court ruled the individual mandate to buy health insurance was not constitutional under the Commerce Clause. Jindal said he expects opposition to the law to “escalate” before the presidential election and that Republican governors will not implement the law before November.
Apple Lawsuit: iPhone Maker Blocks Sale Of Samsung's Galaxy Nexus Phone
SAN JOSE, California (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday granted Apple Inc's request for a pre-trial injunction against the sale of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd's <005930.KS> Galaxy Nexus phone, handing the iPhone maker its second legal victory against Samsung in a week.
Trudie Crutchfield Gets $300,000 Settlement From Bank Of America, 4 Years After Wrongful Foreclosure
One Texas woman finally got the $300,000 that Bank of America owed her. And it only took four years.
The Southeast Texas Record has the wholesad story, but here's the gist: Trudie Crutchfield of Beaumont, Texas, sued BofA in 2008 after the bank foreclosed on her hurricane-wrecked house. That natural disaster forced Crutchfield to miss a few mortgage payments, which Countrywide, her loan servicer, said was fine. Then the lender reversed itself, sending a letter saying she owed all that money right away (h/t Consumerist).
The Southeast Texas Record has the wholesad story, but here's the gist: Trudie Crutchfield of Beaumont, Texas, sued BofA in 2008 after the bank foreclosed on her hurricane-wrecked house. That natural disaster forced Crutchfield to miss a few mortgage payments, which Countrywide, her loan servicer, said was fine. Then the lender reversed itself, sending a letter saying she owed all that money right away (h/t Consumerist).
Obamacare Brings U.S. Closer To Policies It Has Advocated Overseas
The Supreme Court’s decision yesterday to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marked a defining moment in thedecades long battle to bring affordable healthcare to the U.S. But while healthcare continues to be a divisive issue domestically, the U.S. has funded and advocated for some of the best universal health systems around the world.
Virginia, D.C., Maryland Derecho 2012: Aggressive Storm Knocks Out Power To More Than 1 Million
WASHINGTON -- A fast-moving, aggressive thunderstorm system known as aderecho barreled through the nation's capital Friday evening causing wind damage and extensive power outages throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.
6 Health Care Questions the GOP Must Answer
GOP in Disarray After Obamacare Ruling
Aside from launching a new false attack on the law (which also happens to be an attack on Mitt Romney) and promising to vote one more time on repealing the law, Republicans don’t quite know what to do. Some of them even openly admit that the GOP has no plan whatsoever.
Aside from launching a new false attack on the law (which also happens to be an attack on Mitt Romney) and promising to vote one more time on repealing the law, Republicans don’t quite know what to do. Some of them even openly admit that the GOP has no plan whatsoever.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Bank Of America-Countrywide Merger Cost BofA $40 Billion
A huge mistake is weighing on Bank of America.
The bank’s acquisition of mortgage lender Countrywide in 2008 has cost BofA more than $40 billion, the Wall Street Journalreports. The merger turned BofA into a big player in the mortgage market right before the housing bubble burst and since the bank has suffered massive real estate losses and paid out huge sums in legal fees and settlements with state and federal agencies.
The bank’s acquisition of mortgage lender Countrywide in 2008 has cost BofA more than $40 billion, the Wall Street Journalreports. The merger turned BofA into a big player in the mortgage market right before the housing bubble burst and since the bank has suffered massive real estate losses and paid out huge sums in legal fees and settlements with state and federal agencies.
Mississippi Tea Party Chairman Calls For Open Rebellion Against Federal Government After Obamacare Ruling
Of all the right-wing meltdowns following yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act, this statement put out by the chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party may take the cake:
Obama Threatens To Veto Bill That Defunds Wall Street Reform
House Republicans, after failing to prevent the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law from passing Congress, have attempted to undermine it by refusing to give Wall Street regulators adequate funds to do their jobs. Both the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are short of the funding they require, and House Republicans recently voted in committee to fund the SEC $245 million below the Obama administration’s request for 2013.
10 Ways John Roberts Is Still A Conservative’s Best Friend
Yesterday, Chief Justice Roberts embraced a ludicrous, Tea Party reading of the two key provisions of the Constitution, tossing out nearly two centuries of established law in the process. Yet, after he also refused to join a deeply partisan decision tossing out President Obama’s signature accomplishment — agreeing with severalleading conservative judges in the process — the right-wing did not waste any time drawing its knives upon him. In just 24 hours, he was accused of everything from caving to non-existent “bullying” to being mentally unfit for duty.
The 5 Health Care Mandates Republicans Support
Republicans are in complete upheaval over Obamacare, fired up by the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the law yesterday. They have continuously claimed that the government is ramming this legislation down the throats of the American people, and now they are calling it an unwanted financial burdenon everyday Americans. In fact, the individual mandate — the portion of the law that Republicans most vociferously oppose — wouldn’t even affect most Americans.
Moments ago, the House of Representatives passed a re-authorization of the highway bill by a vote of 373-52. House Republicans had previously been blocking the package, holding up funding for 1.9 million transportation jobs. The bill also includes an extension of the student loan rates that will prevent them from doubling on Sunday. The legislation will now go to the Senate, where it’s likely to pass.
The Senate just approved the bill by a vote of 74-19.
The Senate just approved the bill by a vote of 74-19.
Best Black Neighborhoods Around The World: Dalston
Black folks in London isn't a new thing, but it is quite interesting. The English culture is almost always associated with Caucasian people, so knowing that London does have neighborhoods saturated in African-Caribbean culture is amazing.
Taxes Are The New Death Panels: Exposing The Latest Lie About Obamacare
Republicans are responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the individual mandate by constructing a new “death panels”-like lie. The law, they argue, imposes a burdensome tax on millions of middle class families who will have to pay a penalty for not purchasing health care coverage by 2014. The line originates in the majority’s decision, which found that Congress has the authority to require individuals to buy coverage under its taxing power, but it doesn’t mean what the Republicans are suggesting.
According to a report from the Department of Education, the number of homeless students in the U.S. topped one million for the first time during the 2010-2011 school year. The number includes students enrolled in public preschool through 12th grade, and as the Orlando Sentinel pointed out, “the figure actually underestimates the number of homeless children by excluding infants, toddlers, preschool-aged children who aren’t enrolled in public programs and homeless children who are home-schooled.” According to the data, “44 states overall saw the number of homeless students increase, while “fifteen states’ homeless student population increased by one fifth or more.”
Thursday, June 28, 2012
WATCH: Congressional Black Caucus Leads Democrats In Walk Out Of Attorney General Contempt Vote
House Democrats stormed out of a Congressional vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress today.
With some news networks erroneously reporting that the Supreme Court struck down the Affordable Care Act’s individual health care mandate just moments after the justicies released their opinion, President Obama’s wasn’t the only prominent politician who initially thought the provision had fallen. MSNBC posts this video of Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) — an opponent of the measure — screaming with joy at the false news that the Court invalidated the requirement. Watch it:
Eric Holder Contempt Resolution Over Operation Fast And Furious Passes House
WASHINGTON -- House Republicans voted Thursday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, an issue that has become so politicized that nearly all Democrats walked out during the vote.
Mom Who Left Kids on Side of Road to Search for God Found Dead
Lamona Fields Bender (pictured), who left her two young children on the side of a road in Elmore County, Alabama to go looking for God, was found dead in a river, according to WBRC Fox 6.
Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act, A Boon To Minority Health In The U.S.
In a largely unexpected turn, the U.S. Supreme Court declared nearly the entire Affordable Care Act a constitutional and fully legal shift in the American health care system.
Health Care Dissent: Here's What The Conservative Wing Wanted To Happen
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney, reacting to the Supreme Court's health care ruling Thursday, said, "I agree with the dissent."
ACLU To Defend Ku Klux Klan
BLAIRSVILLE – (WAOK/AJC) – The American Civil Liberties Union has taken up the cause of a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, which applied to adopt a portion of a north Georgia highway. The ACLU says the group has the right to the first amendmant, and should be able to express that. Several weeks ago, the Georgia Department of Transportation denied a request from the International Keystone Knights of the KKK, that had sent in a request to clean up a portion of highway 315 in Union County. In it’s denial to the KKK, the DOT said the highway cleanup program was open only to civie minded organizations in good standing. The Klan has a history of violence against blacks and other minority groups.
2 Health Aides Swindle 99-Year-Old Patient Out Of $400,000?
Angela Byrd, 45, and Tanecia Josephs, 25, are accused of allegedly swindling a 99-year-old out of nearly $400,000 by allegedly padding their paychecks and writing themselves additional checks. The pair were arrested and charged with grand theft and exploitation of the elderly, reports the Sun Sentinel.
Heat Wave 2012: U.S. Bakes As High Temperatures Hit Early
If you're feeling hot this week, it's not a mirage. From Montana to Louisiana, hundreds of heat records have been slashed as harrowing temperatures leave cornfields parched and city sidewalks sizzling.
The risky trading at mega-bank JP Morgan Chase that came to light last month — first reported as causing a $2 billion loss — could end up costing the bank up to $9 billion, according to internal reports. JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon was called to testify before Congressthis month about the bank’s risky behavior, where, instead of pushing for stricter regulations, Senate Republicans asked him for marching orders. JP Morgan plans to disclose part of its total trading losses in mid-July, when it will report its second-quarter earnings.
Supreme Court Upholds Individual Mandate As A Tax
The Supreme Court has upheld the individual mandate in Obamacare, paving the way for full implementation of the law in the states and ensuring that millions of uninsured Americans haves access to affordable coverage. The court upheld the provision as a tax, but found that it does violate the Commerce Clause.
Republicans are responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act by setting a date for its repeal. “The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ObamaCare is a crushing blow to patients throughout the country,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said in a statement. “During the week of July 9th, the House will once again repeal ObamaCare, clearing the way for patient-centered reforms that lower costs and increase choice.” Millions of Americans have already benefited from the law, and many more are expected to gain coverage in 2014 and beyond.
In A Rush To Be First, CNN, FOX, Huffington Post and TIME Get Supreme Court Story Exactly Wrong
Supreme Court upholds Obama health care law
The Supreme Court upheld President Obama's health care law today in a splintered, complex opinionthat gives Obama a major election-year victory.
Obama Leads Romney In Polls Of Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania
WASHINGTON -- Three new Quinnipiac University polls released on Wednesday show President Barack Obama leading presumptive Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
As Exxon CEO Calls Global Warming’s Impacts ‘Manageable’, Colorado Wildfires Shutter Climate Lab
Fueled by a warming climate, Colorado is experiencing its worst fire season in its history.
As researchers at Boulder’s National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)joined 32,000 other Coloradans in fleeing the fires, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations about the “manageable” risks of climate change:
As researchers at Boulder’s National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)joined 32,000 other Coloradans in fleeing the fires, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations about the “manageable” risks of climate change:
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales banned by US court
A court has banned sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in the US while it decides on the firm's patent dispute with Apple.
Single-Payer Health Care Favored By House Progressives If Court Strikes Down Obamacare
WASHINGTON -- The last thing House progressives want is for the Supreme Court to strike down President Barack Obama's health care law. But if the high court rules Thursday that some or all of the law is unconstitutional, progressives are ready to renew their push for the model of health care they wanted all along: the single-payer option.
Supreme Court Health Care Decision Will Define The Future Of The American Health Care System
An odyssey that began during the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt and dominated much of President Barack Obama's first term in the White House could conclude Thursday at the Supreme Court. With it could end the best hope to date for the nearly 50 million Americans without health insurance and the hundreds of millions more burdened by rising costs.
Top 5 Ways Republicans Have Turned Washington DC Into Their Legislative Playground
Last night, a bill to grant Washington, DC, budget autonomy had to be pulled from the schedule after Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tacked on restrictions that supported his Republican agenda.
The Chicago City Council has voted 43-2 to “decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.” The city will now “issue a ticket for possession of 15 grams of marijuana or less,” but arrests “would still be mandated for anyone caught smoking pot in public or possessing marijuana in or near a school or in or near a park.” Chicago joins a number of states and cities who are considering similar decriminalization legislation. 15 states and a number of cities have reduced the penalty for possession of small amounts of marijuana, including: Seattle, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, as well as university towns like Champaign, Illinois, and Madison, Wisconsin.
Top 10 Reasons Republicans Want To Impeach President Obama
For more than two years, Republicans in Congress have wanted to impeach President Obama.
Every few months, they come up with creative new rationales to justify their desire to prematurely remove Obama from office, ranging from his immigration policies to birther hysteria to conspiracy theories about Arctic islands.
Every few months, they come up with creative new rationales to justify their desire to prematurely remove Obama from office, ranging from his immigration policies to birther hysteria to conspiracy theories about Arctic islands.
Obama Investigations By GOP Heat Up Before 2012 Election
WASHINGTON -- Contempt of Congress? Subpoenas? Stonewalling?
Maybe there's a smoking gun in the Republican-led investigations of the Obama administration – and President Barack Obama's pushback. But a large part of them could be what always goes on during a presidential campaign: political gamesmanship.
Maybe there's a smoking gun in the Republican-led investigations of the Obama administration – and President Barack Obama's pushback. But a large part of them could be what always goes on during a presidential campaign: political gamesmanship.
Stockton, California To Declare Bankruptcy
STOCKTON, Calif. — Officials in Stockton said Tuesday that mediation with creditors has failed, meaning the Central California city is set to become the largest American city ever to declare bankruptcy.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has launched an investigation into the contributions of “tax-exempt groups that are heavily involved in political campaigns, focusing on a case involving the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has been one of the largest outside groups seeking to influence recent elections but is not required to disclose its donors,” the New York Times reports. Schneiderman is “seeking e-mails, bank records and other documents to determine whether the foundation illegally funneled $18 million to the chamber for political and lobbying activities.” The Chamber spent $66 million on lobbying in 2011 and has “pledged to spend at least $50 million on issue ads during the 2012 election cycle.” Recent reports have revealed that health insurers funneled at least $102.4 million through the Chamber in an effort to defeat Obamacare and undermine its implementation.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Republican Party of Texas released its platform this month, calling on Congress to repeal the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965. “We urge that the Voter [sic] Rights Act of 1965 codified and updated in 1973 be repealed and not reauthorized,” the platform reads. Texas is one of nine states with a history of racial discrimination that must get clearance from the Department of Justice before altering its voting laws.

National HIV and STD Testing Day
The National HIV and STD Testing Resources Web site (aka and is a service of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This Web site provides users with locations for HIV and STD testing and STD vaccines around the United States.
iPhone 4S, Lumia 900, Droid Razr Maxx: Three Great Smartphones You Should Not Buy
Imagine that you are inside your favorite mobile phone retail store. The air conditioning blows cool on the back of your neck; you tap your foot to the Foster the People tune playing softly on the loudspeaker. In your left hand, you hold the smartphone you've been eyeing for months -- you know, the one from the TV commercials, with the funny celebrity.
The 5 Craziest Policies In Texas Republicans’ 2012 Platform
The Republican Party of Texas released its 2012 platform this month, outlining its policies on taxation, education, and a host of other issues related to the economy. Texas Republicans, according to the platform, support eliminating the minimum wage and the prevailing wage, doing away with the Department of Education and Department of Energy, and “reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education” — but those aren’t even the most damaging positions.
Man Dies After Prison Nurse Tries To ‘Cut Costs’ By Denying Him Care
A Minnesota mother is suing the correctional facility where her son, Xavier Scullark-Johnson, died after being denied emergency care by his prison nurses. The 27-year-old St. Paul native was less than three months away from his prison release when he passed away in June 2010.
Rebuild the Dreams Paul Zehrer, Puts A Human Face On The Student Debt Problem
Dear Reader,
You really should watch this, if you've got a second.
With just 5 days to go before federal student loan interest rates double, Paul Zehrer, a Rebuild member and Emmy-nominated filmmaker, has produced a powerful, short new video showing who and what this fight is really about. Watch now -- and then call your senators, if you haven't yet.
You really should watch this, if you've got a second.
With just 5 days to go before federal student loan interest rates double, Paul Zehrer, a Rebuild member and Emmy-nominated filmmaker, has produced a powerful, short new video showing who and what this fight is really about. Watch now -- and then call your senators, if you haven't yet.
Justice Scalia Cites Pro-Slavery Laws Excluding ‘Freed Blacks’ To Justify His Anti-Immigrant Opinion
As ThinkProgress reported yesterday, conservative Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissenting opinion claiming that Arizona’s entire harsh immigration law should be upheld sacrifices both factual and mathematical accuracy in order toattack one of the Obama Administrations recently announced policies. Perhaps the oddest part of Scalia’s dissent, however, is the fact that he actually relied on pro-slavery laws excluding free persons of African descent from much of the south to justify allowing Arizona to target undocumented immigrants:
Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Criticisms Disputed By Data Saying Crime, Border Crossings Have Dropped
WASHINGTON -- Illegal immigration has fallen precipitously and border enforcement is at an all-time high, but that's hard to tell from statements Republicans blasted out Monday after the Supreme Court struck down much of Arizona's immigration law.
Rodney King’s Family Plead for Help With His Burial Costs!
When Rodney King, 47, passed away on June 17th from an alleged drowning, little did the public know that he was broke. King, who was brutally beaten by the Los Angeles police department in 1991, has died penniless. Now his family members need money to lay his body in the ground, reports TMZ.
Pastors Wife Jailed For Gambling Away $430,000 Of Church’s Money?
Houston Pastor Charles Gilford, 58 and his wife Adriane, 53, (pictured) were arrested and charged with bilking their former congregation out of $430,000 in church funds and using them for gambling trips to Louisiana, according toKHOU News.
Jesse Jackson Jr. Leave Of Absence: Congressman Being Treated For Exhaustion
CHICAGO -- U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who defeated a primary challenge this year despite being the target of a House ethics investigation, has been on a medical leave for two weeks and is being treated for exhaustion, his office announced Monday.
Louisiana Private Schools Teach Loch Ness Monster Is Real In Effort To Disprove Evolution Theory
Some students at private schools in Louisiana are being taught that Scotland's fabled Loch Ness monster is real, a claim that is then held as evidence disproving Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, theScotsman reports.
White House Touts Auto Industry Success As New Fuel Economy Standards Loom
The White House will host a three-hour conference Wednesday to tout what it calls the "innovative success story" of the auto industry's clean cars, advanced technology and job growth as the government prepares to adopt stricter fuel economy standards.
For-Profit Colleges Owned By Wall Street Companies Fare Worst Under New U.S. Measures
For-profit colleges owned by publicly traded corporations were among the worst in preparing students for jobs that allow them to repay debts, according to U.S. Department of Education data that offers the first glimpse at how career training schools will perform under Obama administration rules that begin this fall.
Monday, June 25, 2012
What You Need to Know About Today’s Supreme Court Rulings
Today, the Supreme Court issued three very important rulings:
With Gas Prices Expected To Drop Below $3, Republicans Suddenly Silent On Obama’s Role
Experts predict average gas prices may fall below $3 this fall after dropping14 cents in two weeks. When prices hit a record high, Republicans attributed sole responsibility to President Obama, even though there is no evidence that factors like drilling impact what consumers pay.
For Black Male Intellectuals Who Have Considered Suicide When Black Women Were Too Much
[Editor's note: The gross generalizations when using the blanket terms of "black women" or "black men" are not to be understood as engaging the stereotype of "all" and lumping everyone into broad categories. But for the sake of easy communication in an already lengthy blog post, please adjust your comprehension accordingly. That is to say, if I'm not writing about you, then so be it; if the shoe fits, wear it, if not, then don't. JLL]
Testosterone Makes Women Want To Pleasure Themselves Rather Than Have Sex
It has long been assumed that men typically want to have sex more often than women because they have higher levels of testosterone. But a team from the University of Michigan found that women with high testosterone had a greater desire to masturbate compared to their peers.
CEO Pay Grew By 12 Percent Last Year, While Worker Wages Near All-Time Lows (Banks)
According to an analysis by the pay research group Equilar, compensation for top bank CEOs grew by nearly 12 percent last year. The Financial Times noted that these increases occurred “despite widespread falls in profits and share prices“:
RIM Reportedly Considers Splitting Off Smartphone Business
LONDON (Reuters) - BlackBerry maker Research in Motion is considering splitting its business in two, separating its struggling handset manufacturing division from its messaging network, The Sunday Times reported.
34 Lawmakers Changed Their Investments After Receiving Private Briefings About 2008 Economic Crisis
Last November, 60 Minutes aired a report showing that House Financial Services Chairman Spencer Bachus (R-AL) made tens of thousands of dollarstrading stock as he was receiving private economic briefings during the height of the 2008 financial crisis. Due to weak insider trading rules, Bachus was cleared of any legal wrongdoing by the Congressional Ethics Committee, but the case still motivated Congress to pass the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, which supposedly prevents lawmakers from profiting off information they receive in private briefings with top economic officials.
The Supreme Court just announced a 5-4 decision striking down Montana’s ban on corporate money in elections. The decision was handed down without hearing oral argument on the case, meaning that the five conservative justices were not even open to hearing arguments that their election-buying decision in Citizens United might have been wrongly decided.
The Supreme Court just announced that parts of Arizona’s harsh immigration law, SB 1070, are preempted by federal immigration law. Significantly, however, the justices did also held that it was “improper for the lower courts to enjoin Section 2(B), which requires police officers to check the legal status of anyone arrested for any crime before they can be released.”
Sunday, June 24, 2012
'Bath Salts' Drug Trend: What Are They Really?
"Ivory Wave," "Purple Wave," Vanilla Sky," and "Bliss" -- all are among the many street names of a so-called designer drug known as “bath salts,” which has sparked thousands of calls to poison centers across the U.S. over the last year.
Ten Things You Would Miss About Obamacare
The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act this week and could potentially strike down part or the whole of ‘Obamacare.’ Below are 10 things you will miss about the law if the justices invalidate it:
Last-Of-His-Kind Galapagos Tortoise Dies At 100: Lonesome George
QUITO, June 24 (Reuters) - Lonesome George, the last remaining tortoise of his kind and a conservation icon, died on Sunday of unknown causes, the Galapagos National Park said. He was thought to be about 100 years old.
The Sunday 24th 2012 Talking Heads
Today, it looks like Darrell Issa is going full- or semi-full-Ginsburg today, because of this week's executive privilege declaration over documents related to the failed Fast and Furious "let's hand out some guns and hope for the best" anti-gunrunning operation, that none of us would have known about had it not been for the fact that strayed guns from that program ended up adjacent to a dead Border Patrol agent. Now the Obama administration has asserted executive privilege, we can head right into the part where everyone bounces up and down in the seat like Obama cut a hole in the undercarriage, and it's causing everyone tremendous pain.
Supreme Court Decision Looming
WASHINGTON -- It's the biggest secret in a city known for not keeping them.
The nine Supreme Court justices and more than three dozen other people have kept quiet for more than two months about how the high court is going to rule on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
The nine Supreme Court justices and more than three dozen other people have kept quiet for more than two months about how the high court is going to rule on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
GOP Oversight Chair Admits There Is No Evidence Of White House Involvement In Fast And Furious
Last week, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH)claimed that the White House decision to invoke executive privilege to prevent the release of some documents related to the “Fast and Furious” investigation indicated some sort of admission of a White House cover-up. Today, pressed by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) admitted that there is absolutely no evidence to back up Boehner’s allegation:
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Outsourcer-in-Chief in the Oval Office?
The Washington Post has a blockbuster, must-read story today detailing how Mitt Romney and Bain Capital were “pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States” to countries like India, China, and elsewhere.
4 Policies That Can Help Women (And Men) ‘Have It All’
Former State department official Anne-Marie Slaughter’s piece in the Atlantic, entitled “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All,” has set off a fire-storm of discussion about women and men in the work force. Whether you agree with Slaughter, Salon writer Rebecca Traister (who takes on Slaughter’s arguments), or facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg (who has provided advice on this topic), there are certainly policy solutions that would address the problems facing parents in the modern workplace. Here are four policy ideas that could help America’s government and businesses keep up with its families:
Economics blogger Evan Soltas broke down census figures and found that since 2000, the number of people living in “extreme” poverty — that is, incomes totaling less than half of the federal poverty line — has climbed an astounding 50 percent, accelerating most dramatically after the recession began four years ago. In 2010, 6.7 percent of Americans were living in extreme poverty, up from 5.2 percent in 2007 and just 4.7 percent in 2000. That represents the largest jump by a single income bracket among those hovering near the poverty line.
House Republicans vote for Styrofoam cups (These Phuckers I Tell You)
One of Republican House Speaker John Boehner’s first “reforms” was to dump a “Green the Capitol” campaign begun under predecessor Nancy Pelosi, and restore Styrofoam cups to the House cafeteria.
Friday, June 22, 2012
The Business Insider notes that, at the same time that corporate profits are at an all-time high as a percentage of the economy, wages are at an all-time low. Last year, corporations made a record $824 billion, which didn’t stop conservatives from continually claiming that President Obama is anti-business.
Jerry Sandusky Guilty
BELLEFONTE, Pa. -- Jerry Sandusky entered the Centre County Courthouse Friday as one of the most celebrated figures in the history of Penn State sports. He left a convicted child molester.
After two filibusters by Republicans, it seems that the Senate has finallycome to an agreement on freezing student loan rates. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are apparently working out the final details on how they will cover the cost of the bill, which will prevent student loans from doubling this month. Methods to pay for it, according to the National Journal, “include Democratic proposals involving pensions. The deal also includes a GOP proposal to cut off subsidized student loans after six years, saving about $1.2 billion a year.”
Wild Conspiracy Theory's Driving The Fast And Furious Investigation
Here is theory that some Congressional Republicans believe: The Obama Administration intentionally handed over automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels, who they knew would commit violent acts, because they wanted to scare Americans into supporting stricter gun laws.
Black Women, "How do you feel about yourself today?" Seriously It's An Honest Question
This lady lays out a gimps of what she has seen in the mirror, or as she states it, what's the problem with some of her fellow Sista's as things are today. She repeats, "Black Women Ain't Shyt." Do you believe that's not the case or do find just a bit of truth to what she is saying. Remember, if you often agree with just one point someone is saying, there might be others you agree with as well.
The Deal That White Feminists Made With White Supremacists In The Sixties
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, in his 1965 report for the U.S. Department of Labor, wrote that the largest problem facing the socio-economic improvement of African Americans was the weakness of the black family. More specific, it was the inability of the black man to make enough money to support a wife and children.
“The fundamental problem…is that of family structure…[T]he Negro family in the urban ghetto is crumbling.”
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, in his 1965 report for the U.S. Department of Labor, wrote that the largest problem facing the socio-economic improvement of African Americans was the weakness of the black family. More specific, it was the inability of the black man to make enough money to support a wife and children.
Five Questions Men Should Ask Themselves Before Having Sex
Jun 21, 2012 By Dr. Boyce Watkins
I’ve been a Black man for quite a while now. It’s been a fun ride, with its ups and downs, but I have to say that in this journey, where half the world is working to secure your extinction, you realize that your ability to think and make critical decisions can become the key to your survival. But beyond surviving, you also want to prosper. Part of your path to prosperity should include good family planning.
Matt Sandusky, Jerry Sandusky's Adopted Son, Says Through Lawyer His Father Sexually Abused Him
BELLEFONTE, Pa. -- Lawyers for one of Jerry Sandusky's adopted sons said the man has told authorities the former Penn State assistant football coach abused him.
Miami Heat Win 2012 NBA Championship: LeBron James Leads Way Over Oklahoma City Thunder
MIAMI — The decision is final: LeBron James made the right call coming to Miami.
Finally an NBA champion, it's all worth it now.
Finally an NBA champion, it's all worth it now.
A new poll conducted by Dartmouth government professor Benjamin Valentino found that 63 percent of Republican respondents still believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the United States invaded in 2003, even though this assertion has been thoroughly debunked. In comparison, only 27 percent of independents and less than 15 percent of Democrats believed in the misinformation. Additionally, 64 percent of Republican respondents believe that President Obama was born in another country. As the Huffington Post’s Dan Froomkin notes, “this latest poll result seems to indicate a refusal — unique to the modern Republican Party — to acknowledge facts.”
Members Who Supported Massive Giveaway To Big Oil Have Received $38.6 Million From The Industry
The House of Representatives, which already holds the title of the most anti-environment House ever, today added another mark to the list — the Domestic Energy Production Act, H.R. 4480. The act is specifically designed to increase oil and gas development, with measures that block safeguards from smog and pollution and mandate drilling on public lands. The House Republicans passed this pollution and plunder energy package overrun by oil and gas industry interests, 248 to 163. This breakdown includes 229 Republicans and 19 Democratic members.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Crack Is Not Worse Than Marijuana, Says One Drug Enforcement Agent
Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), a staunch advocate for the legalization of medical marijuana, rebuked Michele Leonhart, the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency, yesterday at a Congressional hearing because she would not say if crack is worse than marijuana.
Empty Desks On National Mall Represent Number Of U.S. High School Drop-Outs Per Hour
A powerful installation on the National Mall today is meant to call attention to the nation’s current drop-out rate: the 857 desks represent the number of students who drop out of high school in the United States every single hour, according to the College Board’s calculations.
Republicans Holding Nearly 3 Million Transportation Jobs Hostage For 6,000 Temporary Oil Jobs
With as many as 2.9 million new and existing jobs on the line, House Republicans are refusing to pass a transportation reauthorization bill, even after the Senate’s version of the bill overwhelmingly passed through the upper chamber in a 74-22 bipartisan vote.
Mitt Romney NALEO Speech Does Not Clarify Stance On Obama Immigration Policy (First He Wanted Them To Self Deport!)
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- Mitt Romney promised Latinos on Thursday that he would swiftly reform the American immigration system -- once again without saying whether he would end President Obama's policy allowing some young undocumented immigrants reprieve from fear of deportation.
Color Struck: Would Obama Have Been Elected if He Looked Like Wesley Snipes?
Jun 21, 2012 By Dr. Boyce Watkins
I am not sure why certain questions or thoughts pop into my brain. Sometimes those questions help me figure things out and other times, they get me into serious trouble. I have no idea what this one is going to do, but I had to ask it anyway: Would Barack Obama have been elected President of the United States if he were as dark as Wesley Snipes?
I am not sure why certain questions or thoughts pop into my brain. Sometimes those questions help me figure things out and other times, they get me into serious trouble. I have no idea what this one is going to do, but I had to ask it anyway: Would Barack Obama have been elected President of the United States if he were as dark as Wesley Snipes?
12.8 million Americans will receive $1.1 billion in rebates from insurers that have not met minimum spending guidelines in Obamacare, the administration announced Thursday morning. The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of premium dollars on health care services or issue rebates to policy holders. The average rebate is valued at $151 per household.
Increasing The Minimum Wage During Times Of High Unemployment Doesn’t Hurt Job Growth
A group of House Democrats recently proposed legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage to $10 an hour, roughly where it would have to be to match the peak buying power the wage reached in 1968. Cities and states across the country are taking action on their own,raising their minimum wages in an effort to help low-income workers.
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