Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Glenn Beck's New Year's Message: 'We Cannot As A Nation Survive Much Longer'

Glenn Beck sent a New Year's message to his followers, saying America "cannot survive much longer" unless it undergoes a "fundamental transformation" and previewing several new initiatives he plans to undertake in 2011.
Beck sent the message on his radio show. A transcript also appeared on his website, The Blaze. Beck said that "after spending years, and thousands of man-hours, in research, reflection, and prayer, my team and I have come to realize that a 'Fundamental Transformation' is required" in America.
"We cannot as a nation survive much longer," he continued, going on to say:
"We must take a page from our own history at the Alamo and 'draw a line in the sand.' We must decide who we are, what we are capable of and look to the heavens to chart our course...I will not accept that America's best days are behind Her, that there is no such thing as American exceptionalism."
Beck also said that he and his wife will substantially increase their donations to charity, and that he will hire 40 new people at his Mercury company to focus on a new division called "E4 Experiences." The four Es, he said, are Enlightenment, Education, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship.

To read the full message, click here.

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