Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The GOP Needs To Tell The Truth About Their Views On The Constitution

Tomorrow, as part of the GOP’s broader messaging strategy to falsely paint themselves as the party of the Constitution, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) will lead the new GOP-led House in aritualized reading of the United States Constitution. Yet while the GOP has been big on this kind of constitutional theatre for much of the last year, most Republicans have been coy about revealing what they actually think the Constitution provides. When asked last night if he shares the widespread conservative view that the minimum wage is unconstitutional, for example, Goodlatte claimed that he did not know the answer to the question.

Yet, while most GOPers have remained carefully vague about how they view the Constitution, those few who have revealed their specific views leave little doubt why the rest of the party is keeping quiet. Their views are both dangerous and radical:

Ever since they decided to wrap themselves in the Constitution, most GOPers have gotten away with vague bromides expressing their love for the document without revealing what they actually think about the Constitution. Meanwhile, those few GOP officials who have gone on record with their views have consistently shown themselves to be extreme radicals. If a Member of Congress disagrees with Clarence Thomas that child labor laws are unconstitutional; or with Rand Paul that civil rights violate the constitution; or with Tom Coburn that all federal education programs should cease to exist, than they should say so. But they should no longer be given the option to keep their views secret.

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