Thursday, January 6, 2011

Iran detains American woman over 'spy device' in teeth

Iran has detained an American woman accused of hiding a spying device in her teeth, Iranian newspapers report.
Hall Talayan, 55, was held as she tried to cross the border from Armenia without a visa, the reports said.
She was reportedly arrested near the north-west border town of Nordouz. It is unclear where she is being held.
Iran arrested three American hikers in July 2009, accusing them of spying. One was later released on bail, but the other two remain in detention in Iran.
Their trial, due to start last November, was postponed as Sarah Shourd - who returned to the US after being freed on bail - had not been summoned to attend, Iranian officials said.
Washington has repeatedly said there is no basis for a trial and called on Tehran to free the two men still in custody, Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal.
The latest report, carried in the state-owned Farsi daily, Iran, said Ms Talayan had hidden "spying technology or a microphone" in her teeth.
According to another Farsi daily, Tabnak, she told customs officers that the security forces of Armenia would kill her if she was sent back by Iran.
The reports could not immediately be verified by officials.

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