Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Real Life Superhero “Phoenix Jones” Prevents Car Robbery

WASHINGTON — Phoenix Jones, who calls himself a “real life superhero” and keeps his real identity a secret chased away a robber in Lynwood, Washington, who was trying to break into a car. Pop Culture Shock reports:
Dan’s rescuer was Phoenix Jones, a.k.a. Phoenix Jones the Guardian of Seattle, a “Real Life Superhero” and leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement. Almost every night, the 22-year-old Jones, who keeps his real identity a secret, enters a secret compartment in the back of a Lynnwood comic book store and emerges, in uniform, to patrol the streets. (Watch video of Jones in action here.) His suit includes a bullet-proof vest and “stab plates,” and he carries a taser nightstick, mace and tear gas. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that Jones also sports a “ballistic cup.”

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