Monday, January 3, 2011

Washington Post Blogger Sekulow Continues Dishonest Attacks On Moderate Muslim Leaders

Continuing his smears against moderate American Muslims leaders, Washington Post religion blogger Jordan Sekulow writes that, among the various offenses committed this year, “We also saw Muslims like [Imam Feisal Abdul] Rauf… refuse to call Hamas a terrorist organization.”
Here’s Rauf in a December 23 interview with TIME Magazine:
Q: Is Hamas a terrorist organization?
RAUF: Yes, they are.
That seems pretty straightforward.
In my own On Faith post responding to the Sekulow hire, I expressed concern that Sekulow has “been neither respectful nor careful in his posts, particularly those posts concerning the Islamic faith.” That has obviously not changed. How long will the Post continue to allow Sekulow to peddle his dishonesty under their banner?

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