Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Motorola Xoom Sales Disappoint, Analysts Say

Xoom Sales

Consumer Reports on Tuesday heralded theMotorola Xoom tablet as the best runner-up to the iPad. But consumers don't seem to be showing the Xoom much love, according to recent unofficial sales figures.
Motorola has sold only 100,000 of these Android 3.0-powered devices, according to estimates by Deutsche Bank, reported by Business Insider.
Pacific Crest analyst James Faucette released aresearch note on Tuesday that says the Xoom's sales "have been disappointing."
While Apple hasn't yet released iPad 2 sales figures, analysts trumpeted the device's successful first weekend, and sales have reportedly remained strong. Most estimates from the iPad 2's first weekend fall between 350,000 to 400,000.
According to Forbes, Faucette also announced similar results for the Motorola Atrix 4G smartphone, which can dock with a laptop and costs about $500 with the unique connector included. Faucette suggested that the Atrix's relatively high price point may be holding it back.
Is the Xoom a flop? Can it still be a hit? Tell us below.

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