Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why men should Not be Nice/Good Guys.

After writing my thoughts about this subject, I remember an article I received several years ago as part of an email. The comments made are all from the author but if you are a thinking individual you can agree with several if not all the points he is trying to make. That is your choice and your opinion. However, if you feel strongly about this subject, I like to ask you to respond. 


Featured Article:

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Why men should NOT be Nice/Good Guys.

By E .Williams

In the dating game BITCHES have the power to chose what mate they want. They knew what kind of man they are getting with but they chose him anyway because he was "cute, fun, exciting and/or dangerous". Men do not have that option.


You always hear females bitching about wanting a "real" man but they turn their backs on them. It's only after the females throw his "respect and caring" for them in his face that drives men to distraction, that men become uncaring, NOT because they are, but because after trying their best and failing to live up to the UNREALISTIC expectations of the bitch they truly care about, men realize that their feelings never matter, only HER agenda. What SHE WANTS. It's only about HER.

Now if the guy is overly good-looking with a bank account to match, has a 10' penis and can sex like a Greek God, has an IQ of 150 with a "bad boy" edge bitches will always treat them like kings. But for average "real" guys it's much different.

A man who dares to complain about this system is written off as a bitter misogynist, having a bad attitude and is rejected. That's another repetition of the cycle because he opens up his true feelings, as he is SUPPOSED to do, and is punished for it if isn't the type of TRUTH bitches want to hear.

Every time a Nice/good guy talks about why bitches don't want him AFTER HE DOES EVERYTHING THEY ASK AND CLAIM TO WANT. Females will ALWAYS blame the man and NOT themselves. Instead they will tell him he is rejected not because he's a Nice/good man but because of some trivial flaw.

Every nice/good guy hears bitches talk about how wonderful they are, and how they would make some bitch very happy, the nice/good guy is inclined to believe these words, yet those same females don't go out of their way to date them or even fix them up. Instead bitches are eager to fix a shallow jerk/player up with other bitches. Meanwhile, the man who is what bitches CLAIM to want is ignored. The conclusion that bitches are lying to him is almost impossible to refute.

On the other hand, if he stops caring, stops letting his desires control his emotions, stops going out of his way for bitches, and stops giving them the benefit of the doubt, they will forever try to change him back into the man they ignored in the first place. If females wanted nice/good men, they would select nice/good men in the first place. It is obvious that females are less interested in seeking out a nice/good guy to begin with, and are more interested in the DRAMA created by the challenge of turning a jerk/player back into the nice/good guy she NEVER wanted. Good/Nice guys are told not to change a thing despite their miserable results, to keep up hope that things will turn around, and one day they will meet that mythical right bitch [HA!], who makes all the pain worthwhile. So they sit back and watch as all their jerk/players friends seem to pull bitches and sex off a conveyor belt.

"You'll find her"...."Hang in there"....."Just be yourself" Nice/good guys are told over and over and over again. The years roll by and yet they are still alone or if best stuck as "Just friends" and Cuddle Bitches of females.

The typical canned response given to good guys by bitches?

"He will get the bitches in the end [when she's in her late 30's] but what guy wants a bitches after a bunch of bad boys/players and thugs went through her and now she's old, her beauty is fading and she probably has kids? So she NOW runs to the Nice/good guy? Sorry, but no one wants to be an after-thought of damaged goods. If it takes her THAT LONG to figure out she wanted a nice/good guy, she probably never did and is only NOW going after him because her Bio-clock is ticking and she knows the player/thugs don't want to have anything to do with her. She runs to him NOT by choice but by necessity.
Eventually, the Nice Guy/Good guy learns not to open up, and to be jaded, cynical, and distant. He's finally says "FUCK THIS!"

And thanks to the power of the internet, he goes and finds some REAL ANSWERS. He soon finds info like "The Ladder Theory" and "The Player's Guide at". Becoming a player/jerk wasn't his first idea, it was his LAST RESORT. Sadly, being a decent normal guy ISN'T enough anymore. Now, It seems females RESPOND MORE to his new persona. He slowly becomes the jerk, on his way to being a player.

The players/jerks are just regular guys who have been walked on a bit too much. One thing that is clear is that many of them are not thrilled with what they have to do in order to get a girlfriend and laid, and who can blame them? When the same man who is rejected as a nice/good guy is treated like royalty when he becomes a thug/jerk or player, how can bitches expect any man to put up with that? They might as well just drop the charade and tell men that this is what they want.

This is one of reasons why men become jerks/players: they get tired of denying their sexuality, tired of worrying about whether or not bitches will approve of them, they stop trying to hide their desires, they get sick of hearing "You're a great guy but. “They are tired of hearing bitches give them the SAME bullshit advice that contradicts their OWN actions towards men. Soon they stop caring about how anyone reacts to them, start caring only about whether they get laid or not, and the females see this as a display of manhood, something worthy of a sexual reward. [Once again females REWARD bad behavior] Need Proof?

Just look at Scott Peterson, the guy killed his wife in cold blood yet there were dozens of bitches sending him LOVE LETTERS while he was in prison!

Or how about the bitches who ran off with a CONVICTED MURDER on her husband-- THE DEPUTY WARDEN!

And of course the author of this web page has his OWN story;
this is a few of the many reasons that show how bitches love dangerous, violent, unstable, but "exciting" men. And these bitches will act shocked when men like this treats them like shit or worse, beats and tries to kill them.

Females go with what feels good NOW, even when they talk about and claim to want long-term happiness. They will violate their own selection principles by overreacting to something the jerk/player says, something they think sets him apart from other men, but which in reality was something that he knew would make females feel good and more likely to want to fuck him.
View Point from the first person to recieve this email:

The reality is bitches, just like men follow their primal instincts FIRST. Bitches just call it "Following your heart" because it sounds better than "Follow your pussy". And many of them lack the self-control to NOT date these guys in much the same way that they seem to lack the self-control necessary to not eat that pint of chocolate ice cream even though they know they're going to be bitching about their weight later. And since they're bitches, they can just go and say it was the man's fault all along, right?

In dating, the same thing happens, with a man constantly finding himself at a fork in the road where acting like a good guy will doom the relationship, while acting like a jerk/player will get him immediate sex and the bitches. And until that reward system changes, until females stop trusting everything they HEAR that they want to believe, until they start getting turned on by honesty and decency the way they get turned on by height, money, and physical strength or status, it will not change.

And it's very safe to say that this change will NOT come in our lifetime

(I agree with some of Mr. William's statement but the bottom line is all women loves being dogged out by men at some point in their lives)

So what did you get from it I would like to here your responses. 

Update 2012:

After seeing this YouTube video I was hit by a bolt of lighting! This guys comments mesh so perfectly with the thoughts of the person who wrote this article it's just too  uncanny. Anyway listen to the whole thing, I will just say upfront, several of the things he says are my own personal arguments point blank! He is not a bitter brother, nor am I, but I have always wondered how the man pleading his case who does not happen to be an attorney, but an articulate person get called bitter? Anyhow, watch this man speak on it:


Grooming Secrets For Men.

Lose The Appearance Of Male Breast


  1. Awww u erased my comment?! Oh well, now I see why ya cant get a good women, cant handle THE TRUTH! LMAOOO!!!!!

  2. At Anonymous, I have not erased anything I think you may have had an operator error. Not sure of what you wrote I would like to hear it. But judging by you response to something I did not do, it must have been bogus anyways!

    Blame the closes man you can....!

  3. Whoa I dont usually comment on blogs and stuff but this is the best shit i've seen online in a minute. I've gotten the short end of the stick being a "good dude" too many times. Never again. Bad boy for life, I grab my nuts and howl in the moon light and does ME. Fuck bitches take what you want my niggaz, ignore a bitch, dont pick up your phone, dont be available, keep hoes on they toes, do the unexpected, stay too busy for the bitch even in they're presence, focuse on your craft, chill wit your niggaz, always be late,give em a little but take alot. Be sure to be on the lookout for my forth coming mixtape George W. Kush from Chase Dinero realist rapper out in a minute. M.O MUTHA FUCKIN B Owwww!

  4. Ok, basically what I said was all you so called "good" men need to look beyond all the video vixens and obvious golddiggers and expand your horizons to include "regular" women. Women who aren't made up with weaves, makeup, brand name everything 24/7, don't have have a video vixen body, and are workin hard to support themselves. If you're not including these women than you will have a hellavu time finding a good woman who will respect you and your "niceness". I don't blame men for anything, yet you are blaming women right? Im just saying try to look at it from another point of view maybe you will have better luck this way!

  5. Anonymous, you sound as it you are very bitter, but you are trying to relate men in this issue as bitter also. As for myself and many of the "nice" guys I know being bitter, this is far from truth. Blame is such a strong word. I only try to point a finger at what I feel is the plain and honest truth.

    If you read my original editorial, the young lady I referred to was as plain as you could get, on the outside. Being material starts inside. You gave a list of ornaments that women wear when attention is needed, but what women doesn't paint on the war paint sometime?

    I prefer natural women. I have dreads but I can not meet a women with dreds who are natural. It's funny most of the real nice natural earthy black chicks seems to prefer white men. The article looks straight at the issue, yet women what you to look the other way.
