Saturday, August 13, 2011

After Supporting Tea Party Protests, Fox News Accuses Iowans From ‘Liberal Think Tank’ Of ‘Ambushing’ Romney

Earlier today, former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) faced angry questions from Iowans over his proposed cuts to entitlement programs. In an attempt to dismiss the legitimate concerns of the questioners, Fox News declared them to be liberal plants. During the segment, the conservative news outlet displayed a chyron on-screen that read, “Liberal Activists Ambush Mitt Romney At Iowa Event.”

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly then blasted the episode as an “altercation” between Romney and “liberal activists:”
These folks who were doing the confrontation, these protestors were from the Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, which is described as a liberal think tank. They got there early. They positioned themselves in front of the crowd. They got a few questions into Romney. Do you think we’re going to be seeing more of that? You know, people who have a defined agenda from the average citizen showing up at these events.
Watch it:
But as she and her guest discussed the advent of this new form of “guerilla-style campaigning” by liberal activists, what Kelly didn’t disclose were the efforts by Fox News last year to promote the Tea Party’s anti-tax protests. Media Matters reported at the time that Fox had advanced the Tea Party’s agenda by providing its viewers with information such as protest dates and locations, posting publicity material on its websites and encouraging its audiences on air to attend. Watch their compilation of Fox News’ coverage of the Tea Party movement:
So, when angry Tea Partiers attack Democrats Fox is happy to give them a helping hand. But when the shoe gets placed on the other foot, then it’s suddenly a “liberal ambush”.

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