Saturday, August 13, 2011

VIDEO: The ‘Mitt-Churian’ Candidate?

Mitt Romney is not the first of his family to contend for the GOP’s nomination to the presidency. In 1967, George W. Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, was actually leading Richard Nixon in the race for the GOP nomination. His lead quickly evaporated after an infamous verbal faux pas. During an interview, then-Gov. Romney explained that his inconsistency on the Vietnam War was the result of “the greatest brainwashing that anybody can get.”

According to Wikipedia, “the topic of brainwashing quickly became newspaper editorial and television talk show fodder, with Romney bearing the brunt of the topical humor.” Sound familiar? Yesterday’s dust-up at an Iowa town hall — in which the younger Romney made the strange claim that “corporations are people” — is similarly becoming the subject of topicalhumor. Watch our video compilation:

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