Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Orioles Player Luke Scott: “Obama Not Born in America, He is a Deceiver”

This story actual took place early in the year, but I forget it. However I remembered it when UFC fighter, Jacob Volkmann, stated he wanted to beat up the President.  In Volkmann's case, he should thank his own party for the watered down bill that he seems to have a problem with now.  Still, in his interview he did not say he was a Republican, or with the Tax Party, but 9 times out of 10 guys like that are speaking for one of the two groups. Which by the way is really one party.

In Scott's case, you can see he is a straight up Republican. Now, myself living in the Baltimore area, I hate the Orioles.  I always have.  When things would somehow become tight and the City would have to cut transportation, local services, and even regulate how long lights would stay on in certain parts of the city, they would alway find the needed funds to keep the Orioles going.  Former Elected Officials have even made and put into law certain funds to save for their new stadium and other things over the years.  

They have always been to me a organization that has not liked blacks, and has in some ways stayed true to form, with only a few player you could really consider Black, being signed over the years. I have never watched a game, sat in that damn park, or choose to discuss what that damn team is up to when most whites want to break the ice with you. 

Still, they are given great support by the State and the City government's, I can think of a community that all of them has forgotten. 


As Americans, we have freedom of speech to say,  tweet or dougie all we want.
There is nothing wrong or criminal about that— they are just opinions and everyone is entitled to have one.  Baltimore Orioles designated hitter Luke Scott was asked what he thought about President Obama, and he had some interesting things to say:
DB: You don’t think that Obama wasn’t born in the United States, do you?
LS: He was not born here.
DB: [Sighs].
LS: That’s my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go — within 10 minutes — to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, “See? Look! Here it is. Here it is.” The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn’t answer anything. And why? Because he’s hiding something.
You know what? People who have bad intentions, people that are deceivers or are not of honor and integrity — that’s how they act. I’ve seen it in every — it doesn’t matter what level. It can be in politics, it can be in business, it can be in sports, it can be in the construction field. Doesn’t matter. It’s all the same attitude. It’s the same thing.
People who tell the truth, they’re very easy to … their actions prove it. Something as simple providing a birth certificate. Come on. If you’re born here, there’s plenty of documents. But you know what? There’s no documentation of him. No legal documentation of him. There’s been lie after lie after lie exposed, but people put it under the carpet. Hence, the problem we have in this country.
The only problem I have with Scott’s comments is that he speaks in an absolute when he says:
“He (Obama) wasn’t born here”
Where is his proof of that? If he has it, I would love to see it.  If you make a “factual” claim, you should be able to back it up with proof correct?  Let me give you an example of how it is done.
I believe Obama is a United States Citizen and here is a legal reason why,  it is on the record for anyone to research.
Barack Obama is, in fact, a natural-born citizen of the United States, for the simple reason that he was born on American soil (in Hawaii, two years after it acquired statehood). The age and citizenship status of his parents at the time of his birth have no bearing on Obama’s own citizenship.
See how easy that was?
As far as the birth certificate that Scott says is hidden, it is available to the public and his been authenticated if he bothered checking.
Once again, you are free to speak what you like—it  doesn’t mean what comes out of your mouth will be smart, just ask Sarah Palin.

More of Interest:

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