Sunday, November 27, 2011

Being A Jerk Will Get You A Women....Do You Agree On The Bases Of What's Around You & Personal Experience ? Or Either You Don't, Cause You Don't Want To See?

If you are a man today who still knows a women who can handle that you respect and genuinely see her as a person, then you are lucky.  Fact is the basic art of treat another person how you would like to be treated has taken a turn for the worse in just the past 20 years, if not more.  However, if the person is a female whom you would like to get to know, strangely enough the less you want to know or care about her the more of a response  you will be receive back from this female.  Being a person live and doing things in my life on a principle of living in facts and reality, this is just how it is.

However this ladies says it best:

However, I kind of disagree with her saying that Men keep getting with the same type of Women, "The Bitch." When this type can show it's head early in a relationship or years later.  Forest Gump said, "Life is like a box of Chocolates, you never know what you are going to get."  


In this case Forest, when that chocolate comes in a bullshyt coated shell it may take a while to get to the center of it:

In the first Video she stays on topic of a phenomenon it seems like she has at one timem very well experienced or at the very least been a part of, but the second Video brings it back to the man who doesn't know how to get the 'Nice Gal.' She starts the video with the statement,  "You keep running into......." I wonder if in her observations has she noticed that, "The Bitch" is like a plague.  From the nice girl who you believed was nice, to the educated multiple degree(d) sista who chooses to never look at who's around them, and the earthy dread wearing,  supposed down to earth sista who seems to only find peace with white guys.

The last vid reminds me of the saying, "Maybe you are just looking for love in the wrong places"  which made me wonder where in the hell is the right place?

  •  When you see a girl on your street and you approach her, with good conversation and you get the bitch back was that the wrong place?
  • When you have decent conversation on the bus with a girl on numerous occasions and then ask her out and get the bitch back was that the wrong place?
  • You have a degree, She has a degree, you think she would think on another plain, but still you get the bitch was that the wrong place?

The biggest variable in all of this is that Women feel men should approach them.  The only time a women approaches men is if there worth is on full display, meaning groupee! Or if that man is so cute they have to have them. So if you are a 'good black women' and you see a man who is decent you don't think it's worth approaching this person?  However, if you can't see who is decent, or don't know how, can you really make a choice at all? 

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