Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crisis Pregnancy Center Congratulates Apple’s Siri For ‘Embracing’ An Anti-Choice Position

A closer look at the iPhone 4s’ voice-activated assistant Siri revealed that “she” is currently unable to provide accurate or even any information for women in search of reproductive health services. Now, one crisis pregnancy center in Boise, Idaho is simply “thrilled by the recent discovery that Siri does not promote or provide abortion information or referrals”:
Brandi Swindell, Founder and President of Stanton Healthcare, states,
“We applaud Apple iPhone’s 4S Siri and are thrilled that Siri does not list or refer to abortion clinics. Numerous lives will be saved as a direct result. Siri is setting the standard for all organizations — no one should ever refer anyone to get an abortion. [...]
As a woman I’m delighted that Siri is embracing a position that promotes the dignity of women and upholds human rights in the womb.
“It is my hope that Apple remains steadfast and does not cave under any pressure brought by the abortion industry to start marketing abortion clinics.”Swindell states. “This is a huge win for women and a significant step in the right direction.”
It is important to note that Apple’s Siri is not necessarily “embracing” any position and that the search results simply reflect the woefully narrow ability of its answer-engine. NARAL Pro-Choice President Nancy Keenan sent a letter to Apple registering the organization’s disappointment that “a tool like Siri is missing the mark when it comes to providing information about such personal health issues” and re-directing woman to deceptive crisis pregnancy centers. “Although Siri is not the principal resource for women’s health care, I hope you agree that it is important that the women who are using this application not be misled about their pregnancy-related options,” she said.

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