Sunday, August 7, 2011

No Jobs For You! (Says The GOP)

How Many American Jobs Can The GOP Kill? (Hint: A Lot) 

According to figures released this morning, the nation’s unemployment rate remains at a grim 9.1 percent. While the economy managed to add 117,000 net jobs in July (154,000 jobs were added in the private sector while another 37,000 government jobs were lost), Matt Yglesias correctly notes “that means we’re basically treading water” and “things are neither getting better nor worse.”

The GOP’s solution to mass unemployment: kill even more American jobs over the next 18 months.

Here’s a rundown of just a few of the GOP’s plans to destroy American jobs:
In One Sentence: We have an unemployment crisis and 62 percent of Americans say creating jobs — not cutting spending — must be the top priority going forward, but the GOP only wants more job-killing cuts in order to give more tax breaks for the wealthy and Big Oil.
Evening Brief: Important Stories That You May Have Missed
The job market isn’t looking any better.
Rick Perry’s college grades include several D’s, including in “Principles of Economics” and  ”Feeds and Feeding.”
Had federal, state, and local government payrolls remained at 2009 levels, the unemployment rate would be at 8.4 percent, not 9.1 percent.
Fifteen ways the trigger could hurt the implementation of the health care law.
Is Defense Secretary Panetta really going to continue Gates’ legacy of resisting defense cuts?
What’s up with Heterosexual Pride Day?
Going to a single payer health care system would save a lot of money and cover everyone.
Why does the Washington Post employ an anti-Muslim blogger for “balance,” but not an Arab or Muslim blogger?

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