Tuesday, July 3, 2012

George Zimmerman had black eyes, painful broken nose but no head trauma, A Doctor Reports (Is someone Lying?)

The day after he killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman went to the doctor with a broken nose, black eyes and two cuts on his head, but the physician determined he didn’t suffer any head trauma, newly released medical records show.

Zimmerman declined to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist even though the primary care physician recommended it, the doctor twice noted.

Zimmerman’s defense attorney posted evidence that he presented Friday at his client’s bail hearing on his website. Among the documents and recordings posted are witness statements and Zimmerman’s medical records from the day after he shot Trayvon.

The medical records document several injuries, but also state that the only reason Zimmerman sought medical attention was because he needed a doctor’s note to return to work, Duval County Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda said in court last week.

At 5 feet 7½ inches and 204 lbs, the doctor described Zimmerman as “obese.” Although he did not have any blurry vision or dizziness, Zimmerman did say he got nauseous every time he thought of the night’s violence, the doctor wrote.

The doctor said Zimmerman had two cuts on his head which did not require stitches because they were already healing. His nose was fractured and hurt, and he suffered joint pain likely because of the assault, the doctor said.

“We discussed that it is likely broken, but does not appear to have septal deviation,” the doctor wrote. “The swelling and black eyes are typical of this injury. I recommended that he be evaluated by ENT but he refused.”

The records show Zimmerman takes a variety of medications, including pills that both elevate your mood and calm it. He suffers from sacroiliitis, inflammation of the joints in the lower spine. He also has had irritable bowel syndrome.

O’Mara presented the reports and witness statements to show that Zimmerman was injured from his scuffle with Trayvon. He argued in court last week that it’s unfair to keep Zimmerman in jail for up to a year for a case he may never be convicted of.

Zimmerman claims the Miami Gardens teenager attacked him and slammed his head on the concrete. Prosecutors believe Zimmerman profiled the unarmed teenager, because he assumed Trayvon was a criminal. He is charged with second-degree murder.

Seminole County Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. is expected to rule this week on whether to release Zimmerman on bond a second time. The judge had revoked Zimmerman’s bail, because Zimmerman misrepresented how much money he had to post bond.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/03/2880246/doctor-george-zimmerman-had-black.html#storylink=cpy


Zimmerman did NOT Suffer from anything accept Racism...SoultrySoul Reports!

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