According to police documents, on Friday November 19 a Northwestern Senior High student, not identified because he is a minor, was walking at about 12:45P when a vehicle pulled up to his side. When the student witnessed his pursuit he began to question the occupants of the vehicle and their reason for following him. It was then that reportedly two men exited the vehicle; one of them later identified as Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim, and approached this unarmed young black man and began to allegedly assault him. “You’re the guy from yesterday on Park Heights huh,” they asked before knocking him to the ground, patting his pockets through an unauthorized search of the young man and then assaulting him with a radio device that left severe bruising to his head while also leaving him with a broken wrist.
The men who assaulted the young African American student were said to be working on behalf of the Park Heights Jewish patrol group entitled Shomrim, “watchers” in Hebrew. This past Tuesday, Baltimore City police arrested the 23-year old Werdesheim and charged him with first-degree assault, reckless endangerment and false imprisonment. This has obviously set off a firestorm of responses from leaders in the African American community, some calling for the temporary or permanent disbandment of this “security” group. (This young man's Jewish names in Hebrew mean: Eliyahu "My God", Eliezer "My God helps"; which he better pray comes true during these times of trial and tribulation?)
The first to respond was the young Baltimore civil rights leader, Reverend Cortly C.D. Witherspoon who quickly wrote a letter to Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to “to extinguish the potential of tension, and racial unrest.” Likening the potential racial backlash to those that transpired in Crown Heights, New York in 1991 and 1996, which led to severe riots throughout the community, Witherspoon suggested the following to the African American mayor:
However the attorney for this organization and a long-time member, Nathan Willner has stated to us that the group will resume its duties and not be deterred by detractors, “for this was an act allegedly perpetuated by one individual who shall have to take responsibility for his own actions, however the group and its work assisting the community should not have to suffer for such.” Responding to these allegations, Mr. Willner says that “the group is supported by the communities it serves, both Jewish and African American, and that they have responded too many of calls without incident, for this was just one isolated matter and the member in question has been suspended.”
Yet certain organizations and individuals aren’t so sure about that and are calling for someone’s “head”. The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance released a statement stating that “We will not stand by and allow our children to be victimized by over zealous violent fringe groups such as Shomrim.” Being disseminated to the media by its youngest Baltimore leader, the Vice-President of the organization, Reverend Heber Brown III, the group also said the following:
Comment by Timsomor
December 4, 2010 ET at 7:10PM
I was Banned from another internet site/Blog for posting comments about this story. I will enclose word for word what I said about this story. However, I think it is not worth it to mention the name of the site only that I have seen far worst things posted there than my actual comment. Also, when making my comment my goal was not to insult or put anyone down. If you feel my comments were disrespectful or out of line please let me know and I will apologize. However, for a site to cut the lines of communication because of ones own petty disagreement, I believe is wrong.
The one thing that got me to actually make my first post on that site was hearing all the Racially motivated comments about blacks that were left there unchecked by the anyone. Though, most of this has sort of stopped, you could still see it all the times in code words in several post. The statement that I made about women in my comment is what I have heard from other women (My Own Aunt) and from actually seeing while living here in the City of Baltimore.
Anyhow, there have been several people to view this small Blog since I started it in November of 2010. I started this small Blog to give some of the others on that very site a place to come and talk about Political issue's when that site seemed more interested in the things that would cause harm or show minority's (Blacks/African America's) as clowns. However, most of the very people who show interest, have never actually commented to my knowledge, I say that's OK. I would even post some of the story titles that I have on here in my post on that site. I did not believe anything was wrong with that because people advertise all kinds of stuff on there in their posts, like the selling of books, shoes, and sex!
This is what got me banned from the site. Again, if this offends please let me know. Or if you see it just as an opinion please let me that I was not out of line, Timsomor:
Racial Tensions Intensify as Black leaders are Locked Out of Private Meeting
I seem to have upset someone here in the city, I have just received a letter to come to court for something that was settled back in 2000. I 'm just saying.

The men who assaulted the young African American student were said to be working on behalf of the Park Heights Jewish patrol group entitled Shomrim, “watchers” in Hebrew. This past Tuesday, Baltimore City police arrested the 23-year old Werdesheim and charged him with first-degree assault, reckless endangerment and false imprisonment. This has obviously set off a firestorm of responses from leaders in the African American community, some calling for the temporary or permanent disbandment of this “security” group. (This young man's Jewish names in Hebrew mean: Eliyahu "My God", Eliezer "My God helps"; which he better pray comes true during these times of trial and tribulation?)
The first to respond was the young Baltimore civil rights leader, Reverend Cortly C.D. Witherspoon who quickly wrote a letter to Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to “to extinguish the potential of tension, and racial unrest.” Likening the potential racial backlash to those that transpired in Crown Heights, New York in 1991 and 1996, which led to severe riots throughout the community, Witherspoon suggested the following to the African American mayor:
“I am strongly encouraging you to intervene, and urge this private, unregulated, non-governmental organization to cease, and assist its activities pending a full and thorough investigation into the matter, and a dialogue between leaders of the African American and Jewish Communities respectively to address the racial tension. I am also encouraging you, and Commissioner Beafield to strongly consider severing the pre-existing relationship between the Northwester Police District, and the Shomrim pending the above mentioned investigation, and meeting. At this point, without having an opportunity to dialogue, the African American Community has absolutely no confidence in the Shomrim, and is quite frankly concerned about the safety of our students at the neighboring predominantly black Northwestern High School. I am requesting that you take a firm and sturdy position to prove to your constituents that you oppose excessive force.”
Later, other Baltimore leaders also followed suit and responded to the outrageous events that allegedly occurred in the mixed Jewish and African American Park Heights community. Former President of the Baltimore Branch NAACP, Marvin ‘Doc’ Cheatham, speaking directly to the black community through its most widely listened to talk-show on Radio One’s WOLB 1010AM, on the Larry Young morning show, said that it was “unacceptable to condone such behavior and that it was time for the African American community to take a stand against such injustices,” or be forever shunned and taken for granted by the masses. He also stated that “with the African American community being as concerned about this matter as it is, that the Shomrim group should step out of the picture, at least for now, in order to allow for a thorough and complete investigation into this matter and their practices.”
However the attorney for this organization and a long-time member, Nathan Willner has stated to us that the group will resume its duties and not be deterred by detractors, “for this was an act allegedly perpetuated by one individual who shall have to take responsibility for his own actions, however the group and its work assisting the community should not have to suffer for such.” Responding to these allegations, Mr. Willner says that “the group is supported by the communities it serves, both Jewish and African American, and that they have responded too many of calls without incident, for this was just one isolated matter and the member in question has been suspended.”
Yet certain organizations and individuals aren’t so sure about that and are calling for someone’s “head”. The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance released a statement stating that “We will not stand by and allow our children to be victimized by over zealous violent fringe groups such as Shomrim.” Being disseminated to the media by its youngest Baltimore leader, the Vice-President of the organization, Reverend Heber Brown III, the group also said the following:
“The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance condemns the attack of the 15-year-old youth by a group of Jewish men on November 19th in the Upper Park Heights Community. Wanton violence is unacceptable and we welcome the opportunity to meet with youth and all concerned community groups. We also are concerned that the incident is only now coming to public attention. We look forward to receiving the full investigative report, which we expect to be immediately forthcoming from the Baltimore City Police Department. We wish to see all of the offenders prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There is no place for vigilantism in a civil society.”
This historic federation of clergy activist has joined the call by Witherspoon, Cheatham and Reverend Kinji Scott in demanding an immediate meeting to address this matter and seeing where they go from here. This organization of banded City leaders will be meeting this Saturday at 4:00P at Park Heights Community Health Alliance 4151 Park Heights Avenue. I am sure other City groups such as IMPAC, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, the Algebra Project and others shall certainly assist in whatever means they can to assist these leaders, however if you would like to take part in righting this injustice you can join these leaders at this public meeting promoting the efforts of freedom, justice and equality in the African American communities.
Comment by Timsomor
December 4, 2010 ET at 7:10PM
I was Banned from another internet site/Blog for posting comments about this story. I will enclose word for word what I said about this story. However, I think it is not worth it to mention the name of the site only that I have seen far worst things posted there than my actual comment. Also, when making my comment my goal was not to insult or put anyone down. If you feel my comments were disrespectful or out of line please let me know and I will apologize. However, for a site to cut the lines of communication because of ones own petty disagreement, I believe is wrong.
The one thing that got me to actually make my first post on that site was hearing all the Racially motivated comments about blacks that were left there unchecked by the anyone. Though, most of this has sort of stopped, you could still see it all the times in code words in several post. The statement that I made about women in my comment is what I have heard from other women (My Own Aunt) and from actually seeing while living here in the City of Baltimore.
Anyhow, there have been several people to view this small Blog since I started it in November of 2010. I started this small Blog to give some of the others on that very site a place to come and talk about Political issue's when that site seemed more interested in the things that would cause harm or show minority's (Blacks/African America's) as clowns. However, most of the very people who show interest, have never actually commented to my knowledge, I say that's OK. I would even post some of the story titles that I have on here in my post on that site. I did not believe anything was wrong with that because people advertise all kinds of stuff on there in their posts, like the selling of books, shoes, and sex!
This is what got me banned from the site. Again, if this offends please let me know. Or if you see it just as an opinion please let me that I was not out of line, Timsomor:
I know the area well, and the fact is that you can still be asked and told you do not belong in this area, or who did you come here to see, in certain parts of Baltimore (That is mostly white or having to do with the gang bullshit here). This city has a sort of hidden and in some places an out right racist element that still operates with support of the police department. Most of that community has camera's payed for by the community association, not the cheap ones you would find on your local downtown corner, or the ones you find in the local corner store either. These are good hi resolution camera's.
I know this because a Lawyer A.Dwight Pettit, used them several years ago to prove a case of police brutality against a young man who was walk in the area. He was surprised oh how many there were and how he was able to present such clear video of the actual incident which the cops told a completely different story.
I heard that the men who beat the boy say he used a stick to attack them and was on the porches looking into houses. If this is the case lets used those camera's to see what really happened. Most of the young men and women have a strong connection to Israel and after working with several of them, most go there and serve time in the military. Many of the old heads know how organized that area is. And how well equipped there block watches are.
Think about it you have Jews living in or next to supposed "Ghetto's" all over the world, have you ever thought that this is how they keep up a community that is in constant war against people who want to see them gone from the Earth? It seems this is how they practice using there wits, by treating all area's they live as the homeland.
But back in the day Whites hated Jews, but Jewish men loved some Black-women. They would cross the tracks try to get at the black girls. This is shown in a film called "Liberty Heights" shot here in Baltimore during the ninety's that showed a small look at Jewish life in this city during the 50's. My Aunt says that movie only shows a small part of life then for them, but the Jewish guys would really be after them hard in school.
Anyhow, the line at Liberty Heights has move back a bit here in the city for Jewish land here in the city. Often made fun of by some in the joke, "What's the fastest way to Israel to Africa" Which has been around for a while now if you talk to some of the traveled old heads. They will say start at Park heights and end at Reisterstown Road (The Park height area is now home to a lot of Africa, Jamaican, Trinidad, and other island people while Reisterstown is where the rich old money lives, All mostly Jewish).
Racial Tensions Intensify as Black leaders are Locked Out of Private Meeting
I seem to have upset someone here in the city, I have just received a letter to come to court for something that was settled back in 2000. I 'm just saying.
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