Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kwame Kilpatrick, dad and aides extorted, bribed, took kickbacks, feds charge Read more: Kwame Kilpatrick, dad and aides extorted, bribed, took kickbacks, feds charge | | Detroit Free Press

(DETROIT-Detroit Free Press)
Imprisoned former Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, was indicted on federal corruption charges along with his father and three aides. Kilpatrick is charged with using the Mayor’s office as a criminal enterprise to make money for himself and his associates. The Detroit Free Press reports:
The 89-page indictment outlined four general areas of misconduct.
It said the defendants extorted money from municipal contractors, state and non-profit donors and engaged in bribery and extortion involving other public contracts and investments.
The indictment said that Ferguson kicked back at least $424,000 in cash and other items of value to the mayor and that Kilpatrick used more than $590,000 in cash derived from the conspiracy to pay his credit card bills, purchase cashier’s checks and clothing and repay loans.

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