Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rachel Maddow Tells David Letterman She Used To Be A Huge Glenn Beck Fan (VIDEO)

Rachel Maddow said that she used to be a huge fan of Glenn Beck's during her appearance on David Letterman's "Late Show" on Wednesday.

The two were talking about Fox News and its influence in shaping American politics. Letterman asked Maddow why people tend to take the word of "blowhards" instead of more reasonable broadcasters. In answering, Maddow said that she used to listen to Beck every day on the radio before he moved to television.

"I think he was the most talented radio personality of my entire generation," she said. Letterman asked what the radio show was like.

Maddow said that the show had been "incredibly performative...he inhabited all these different characters, he would do all these voices, it was very entertaining, really funny, really fast-paced, very unpredictable, surprising, very good."

Now that Beck has a television show, she said, "He mostly just talks about himself and it's not as fun. But when he was on the radio, before he got on TV, he was great."


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