Friday, August 31, 2012

RNC Delegate Offended By Presence of ‘Mexican’ At Disney’s Epcot Center

During a trip to Epcot at Disneyworld, Pennsylvania delegate Mark Harris and his wife were shocked and offended to find a Mexican employee working at the amusement park’s American pavilion, which showcases the different cultures in the United States. According to thecouple’s blog, Harris complained to staff that he was “highly offended” that a “person from Mexico” was working in the American pavilion when other nations’ pavilions were staffed by people from each respective country:


The local GOP in Snyder County, Pennsylvania has rushed to disavow Harris’ overtly racist comments. County Commissioner Malcolm Derk told The Daily Item, “Americans are people of any race, color or heritage. Cheers to the individual working at Epcot for showing what a true American looks like.”

See Also:  Paul Ryan’s Black Ex-Girlfriend: Paul Is A ‘Really Nice Guy’ ( More Nuts, This Time Willing Thrown At Another Black (Love Who You Love, But This Guys Policie's Say Other Wise. (Busted! TMZ Drops This Broads Past Like A Set Of Dice)

According to their website, “Mark and Irene are both pro‐life, believe marriage is between one man and one woman, are for open records and transparency, believe in very conservative principles and the Republican platform.”

The RNC has been marred by racist incidents this week; on Tuesday, two delegates had to be escorted out after throwing peanuts at a black camerawoman and called her an “animal.” Harris told RealClearPolitics at the beginning of the convention that he liked how Romney was “hitting all the conservative bells” and “has the potential to be a great president if he keeps going in that direction.”


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